Friday, November 5, 2010

Week of October 18th – Maryland

Well I found a whole lot of random facts about the great state of Maryland, although maybe not a whole lot of interesting facts, but I always knew that this week was going to be about the CRABS.

Last summer my entire family met in Baltimore for a weekend. Except for breakfast, I had crab cakes at every meal.

The fact is Maryland “harvests” more blue claw crabs than any other place in the world. So rightfully so this means crab cakes, crab dip, crab salad and more crab cakes.

OK, here’s a fact. Edgar Allen Poe lived as an adult and ultimately died in Baltimore. The weekend we were in Baltimore there was a Poe festival which included a sand sculpture contest. Imagine huge “Tell Tale Hearts” and “Ravens” out and around Baltimore Harbor. During this trip I finally made the connection, actually it was pointed out to me, why the Baltimore Ravens were named that way. I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here, but I bet that the Ravens are the only football team named after a poem. Who knows, maybe the only sports team ever. Is that enough info, I need some crabs?

Day One – Crab cakes from Busch’s Grove while listening to the soulful sounds of Billie Holiday (childhood home in Baltimore).

Day Two – Crab dip with a bouquet of Black Eyed Susans (state flower).

Day Three – Crab cakes with the 100th viewing of The Runaway Bride (Hale, MD).

Day Four – Crab salad and Michelle Pfeiffer singing “The Legend of Miss Baltimore Crabs” from Hairspray. Good Mor-ning Ballllllllllllllllllltimore!

Days 5, 6 & 7 – Crab Cakes, Crab Cakes, Crab Cakes and a marathon viewing of season one of Joan of Arcadia (fictional Arcadia, MD).

Color in the birth place of John Wilkes Booth and travel to the “Land of Lincoln” - Illinois. 48 down – 4 to go.

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