Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of September 6th – New Hampshire

When you read commentary about why the New Hampshire state motto is “Live Free or Die” you might hear things like it refers to the large percentage of hippies and artists that flocked there in the late 60’s & early 70’s or it might be attributed to the fact that New Hampshire was the first to declare its independence from England -- six months before the Declaration of Independence was signed. But its actual origin is from a toast written by General John Stark, New Hampshire's most famous Revolutionary War soldier, on July 31, 1809. When unable to attend an anniversary reunion of the Battle of Bennington he sent his toast by letter:
“Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.” And there you have it, a strong statement from what would normally be considered a rather “mild-mannered” state.

The St. Louis Cardinal pitcher, Chris Carpenter, born in Exeter, NH, didn’t do his part in the NH celebration when he lost to the Atlanta Braves (6 – 8) on 9/10. Thanks, Chris.

The fare associated with the Granite State is typical New England fare so we were planning a cozy New England feast with nothing uniquely New Hampshirian except a tasty hot dog recipe made with maple syrup.

In the meantime I donned my White Mountain shoes and sat down for a relaxing afternoon reading Dan Brown’s (also born in Exeter, NH) Angels & Demons and listening to the sounds of Ray LaMontagne , singer, songwriter from Nashua. My Moo Mittens, “Made in New Hampshire”, hadn’t arrived yet but I really didn't need them in St. Louis in September.

In one those funny “50 plus 2” coincidences, my husband turned on CSPAN on Saturday to a replay of the New Hampshire Republican Senatorial debate between Kelly Ayotte, Ovid Lamontagne and others. We sat mesmerized listening to a debate that could have taken place in any state of the union with any number of Republican candidates.

So with the table set with Purple Lilacs (the state flower) in a Hull vase borrowed from Ohio we dined on clam chowder, blueberry muffins, butternut squash, Gouda & apples, and hot dogs New Hampshire style accompanied by the NH state drink – apple cider and Red Hook Ale (Portsmouth). Maxfield Parrish, who had lived most of his adult life in NH, painted a beautiful sky filled with puffy clouds for us to feast under.
Color in New Hampshire with its succinct motto and head to the Badlands and the “Mount Rushmore” state – South Dakota. 42 down – 10 to go.

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