Friday, August 6, 2010

Week of July 19th – Georgia

Weeks before we pulled Georgia from the hat, I knew how I wanted to celebrate the “Peach” state. We were going to have a Peach Fest!

Forget pecans, peanuts and tobacco. Forget Home Depot, UPS, Coca Cola and Arby’s. Forget Ted Turner, Rhett Butler, Jimmy Carter and Ray Charles. Forget Deliverance, Driving Miss Daisy and Gone with the Wind. It’s all about the peaches!

Anyone who has ever been to Atlanta knows everything in town is named Peach Something. There are so many streets with “peach” in their names that most get lost or end up at the wrong address at least once during a visit and some are still driving around looking for just the “right” peach.

So with invites sent (we were providing the main course but everyone was to bring an appetizer, drink or dessert made with, you guessed it, peaches) the search for “peach” was afoot.

As luck would have it peaches were in season and Pier1’s scent of the month was Ginger Peach. So with Ginger Peach candles and potpourri and flowers and table linens in varying hues of peach I felt like we had fallen into a bowl of peaches and cream.

Jewelry in keeping with the theme was a must. A trip to Michael’s only resulted in a find of peach erasers. With a little creativity and a sharp needle I had myself a peach of a choker. I found little peach charms online which became bracelets for all the ladies attending the Peach Fest.

I’m getting a little tired of typing the word peach and I haven’t even told you about the food & drink.

Since peach schnapps was definitely in order and not being particularly fond of Fuzzy Navels I set out to create a new drink. A little peach schnapps, some tonic, some club soda, add a lime and a refreshing drink is born. My husband was determined to include schooner in the drink’s name, so after a little research the St. Simon Schooner was born.

The menu started with brie with peaches & almonds, Fuzzy Navels, St. Simon Schooners (a crowd favorite) and peach margaritas then progressed through grilled chicken with peach salsa, peach tortellini salad with basil peach vinaigrette and a marinated fruit bowl and ended with chocolate cake topped with peaches & fudge and peach pie. There wasn’t a soul in attendance that wanted to see another peach for the rest of the summer.

With the sounds of the Allman Brothers’ “Eat a Peach” in the background, a peach of a time was had by all.

Color in Georgia with a tree-ripe peach and mosey up north to the “Mountain” state – West Virginia. 37 down – 15 to go.

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