Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week of August 16th – Arkansas

“The Natural State” is a relatively new nickname, adopted in 1995, as part of a tourism promotion, Arkansas Is a Natural. It replaced the official “Land of Opportunity” in hopes to highlight the “unsurpassed scenery”, clear lakes, streams and rivers and to attract outdoor recreation. But since we’re not going there to hike and fish I’ll have to take their word for it – Celebration Plan B.

I know you think that I will cover Arkansas’s celebration with a trip to Walmart. As much as Sam Walton’s dream deserves to be mentioned here, I will not be celebrating Arkansas with a trip to Walmart or Sam’s Club unless someone twists my arm to do so. And believe me I have no intention of getting into the pro-con discussion of Walmart economics – Celebration Plan C.

Beside Walmart the thing that comes to mind when I think of Arkansas (besides the question of why it’s pronounced Ar-kan-saw in instead of rhyming with the state to its NW) is the image of the bright red Razorback and the ever popular University of Arkansas' "Calling the Hogs", Pig Sooooooooooooooooooooo-ie. Who has a pig as a mascot anyway? And no plans to go to a University of Arkansas football game, although I bet they’re a lot of fun – Celebration Plan D.

I read about the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro which is the only diamond-producing site in the world open to the public. Any diamonds, semi-precious stones, rocks or minerals that you find here you can keep, regardless of their value. Now here’s the making of a celebration but, alas, it’s hundreds of miles away – Celebration Plan E.

There’s always food. I hear that Arkansas’ pink tomatoes are amazing but we’ll have to sub out some good old fashioned red ones. Tyson Foods, the worlds 2nd largest chicken processor is located in Springdale, AR and Riceland Foods, the world's largest rice miller and marketer, is headquartered in Stuttgart, AR. Add in that Alma, AR claims to be the spinach capital of the world and they even have a water tower to prove it and you have the makings of an all-American meal of chicken, rice and spinach – no gourmets allowed.

So we accompanied the somewhat lackluster meal with a movie brought to you by native Arkansawyer, Billy Bob Thornton, “Sling Blade”. If the movie wasn’t so disturbing I imagine you might consider it a good film but certainly not very complementary of the state and its people.

So with the table set with “apple blossoms” in a Dryden Pottery vase (made entirely from clay & quartz found locally in Arkansas) and a can of Allen’s Popeye Spinach, but no Clintons anywhere in sight, we toasted our 25th state – Arkansas, Pig Soooooooooooo-ie.

Color in Arkansas with an American icon and a wild pig and travel in a northeasterly direction to the “Buckeye” state – Ohio. 40 down – 12 to go.

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