Friday, April 16, 2010

Week of March 22nd

Since we already had in mind what this week’s celebration was going to be, I didn’t do a lot of research about our third “Four Corners” state. Still with the NCAA tournament, the Western bracket regional games moved on to Salt Lake City, Utah. This meant that my Alma mater, Syracuse, would go to their Sweet Sixteen dance there. Instant Celebration!

Unfortunately the team who would go on to be the Cinderella team, Butler, took “the Orange” out in the third round. Although we continued to watch the balance of the games played in Salt Lake City and beyond, with our team out and our brackets blown, the champagne had gone a little flat. And me without a back-up plan.

Unless you’re from Utah or a Mormon, I doubt that many people know why Utah is called “The Beehive State”. Apparently the beehive is an important icon in the Mormon religion but I’m not sure what the significance is. The beehive, however, came to symbolize the qualities of industry; perseverance, thrift, stability, and self-reliance, all virtues demonstrated by Utah's early settlers. “Busy as a Bee [hive].”

Just so Utah wouldn’t feel cheated (too late) we rented “High School Musical – 3” which was filmed in Utah. Actually all 3 “High School Musicals” were filmed there and you can, if you look hard enough, see some really beautiful vistas in the background.

Color in the “Beehive State” with a severely busted bracket and buzz off in a southeasterly direction to the “Heart of Dixie” – Alabama. 22 down - 30 to go.

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